How To Open A Swimming Pool In 8 Steps?

This guide outlines eight steps for opening a swimming pool after winter.

Opening an above-ground pool after winter requires meticulous attention to detail and adherence to certain steps to ensure the pool’s readiness for the warmer months. This article guides you through the crucial stages of this process, starting with the removal of the pool cover, followed by cleaning the swimming pool basin, and then draining the pool water.

Additionally, we will also discuss the right time to clean the pool after winter, an often-overlooked aspect crucial for maintaining the pool’s hygiene and functionality.

1. Remove The Pool Cover

Removing the pool cover marks the commencement of the pool opening process. Excess water on the cover should be removed using a bucket or pump. Then, brush off leaves and debris to prevent them from falling into the pool. Following this, carefully remove the cover, clean it, and store it dry for future use. Don’t forget to remove the air or pressure cushions from the pool.

2. Clean The Swimming Pool Basin

Use a pool net to remove visible foreign matter from the pool basin. Cleaning the swimming pool basin ensures the submersible pump or sand filter doesn’t clog. Despite having a pool cover, leaves and insects often find their way into the pool. For a more thorough cleaning, consider using an electric pool robot or pool vacuum.

3. Drain The Pool Water

To effectively drain the pool water, it is essential to circulate the water with the filter system for 10 to 15 minutes, followed by backwashing and rinsing. Draining the pool water efficiently involves 3 steps listed below.

  1. Circulate Water: Start by circulating the pool water for 10 to 15 minutes using the filter system. This step dislodges organic debris from pool corners.
  2. Backwash and Rinse: After circulation, backwash the sand filter system, followed by a rinse. This process is essential for cleaning the filter and should not be performed before circulating the water.
  3. Use Submersible Pump: For the actual draining, a submersible pump is the most effective tool. It ensures a thorough and efficient removal of water from the pool.

When draining, it’s vital to consider the chemical composition of the water. Chlorine-treated water can generally be allowed to seep into the ground. However, water containing overwintering agents, algaecides, or other biocides requires special handling. It’s crucial to avoid draining such pool water into the ground, as it poses environmental risks. Local authorities should be consulted for appropriate disposal methods. Additionally, refrain from using heavily chemically treated pool water for irrigating plants or fruit trees.

Be careful to avoid flooding when draining the pool on your property. This careful approach to draining the pool water safeguards the pool’s integrity and protects the environment.

4. Checking Your Swimming Pool After Winter For Damages

Post-draining, inspect your swimming pool for any damages. Check visible lines, the multi-valve of the pool system, and the pool’s floor and walls for cracks or pool leaks. Listening tests or a trigger press may reveal hidden issues. For minor damages, a foil repair set can suffice, but significant damages might require professional help.

5. Basic Pool Cleaning After Winter

Basic pool cleaning after winter involves a thorough scrubbing of all pool surfaces to prevent algae and germ proliferation. This process starts with the application of an appropriate cleaning agent, specifically an acidic pool cleaner for limescale removal. It’s important to note that black algae, which are harmful to health, often settle in the joints and must be carefully removed. Here are the steps for applying the cleaning agent:

  1. Rub the chemical on all pool areas.
  2. Let the remedy sit for 5 to 10 minutes.
  3. Rub one last time and then rinse with clean water.

After applying the cleaning agent, ensure that it is allowed to work on the surfaces for the recommended time before rinsing. This step is crucial for effectively removing limescale and preventing algae growth. Additionally, it’s advised not to resort to home remedies for pool maintenance. Instead, use recommended and proven algae destroyers and cleaning agents, which also serve as preventive anti-algae measures.

When using acidic cleaning agents, be cautious with sensitive surfaces such as marble, and if employing a pressure washer, ensure the pressure is not too intense to avoid damaging the pool.

6. Prepare The Pool Before Filling It In Spring

To prepare the pool before filling it in spring, a series of 9 steps are undertaken to ensure it is clean and the equipment is in good working order. This process is vital for maintaining the pool’s longevity and ensuring water quality. Here is a list with 9 steps to follow.

  1. Spread Anti-Algae Agent: Apply the anti-algae agent evenly across the entire pool area. This step is crucial to prevent algae growth once the pool is filled.
  2. Assemble Water Treatment Components: Check and assemble all components necessary for water treatment, including the skimmer, filter system, plugs, and seals.
  3. Replace Filter for Cartridge Filters: If using a cartridge filter system, install a new filter. This ensures effective filtration and maintains water clarity.
  4. Close Open-Drain Taps: Ensure all open-drain taps are closed to prevent water loss and maintain proper circulation when the pool is filled.
  5. Open Ball Valve of Floor Nozzle: Open the ball valve of the floor nozzle with a quarter turn to ensure proper water flow and distribution.
  6. Check Fi Switch: Test the Fi switch by briefly pressing the release button, ensuring the electrical components are functioning correctly.
  7. Replace Sand in Sand Filter System: If necessary, replace the sand in the sand filter system. This is recommended every 1 to 2 years to maintain efficient filtration.
  8. Use Chlorine Granules for Cleaning Filter Sand: Apply chlorine granules to clean and disinfect the filter sand. Regular use is advised for optimal performance.
  9. Decalcify Filter Sand if Calcified: If calcification is observed in the filter sand, indicated by large, hard chunks, use a decalcifying agent to restore the sand’s effectiveness.

Following these steps meticulously will ensure that your pool is properly prepared before filling it with water in spring, leading to a cleaner and safer swimming environment. If everything is done, your swimming pool can be filled.

7. Fill The Pool With Water

To fill the pool with water, various options are available, each requiring specific considerations. For well water use, an anti-calcium chemical is recommended to prevent discoloration and lime build-up. Similarly, when using tap water, the addition of an anti-calcium agent is advisable. Alternatively, pool water can be supplied by a water delivery service. Regardless of the source, it’s crucial to test the water for pH value, calcium hardness, and total alkalinity. During the filling process, regularly check for leaks in flanges and lines.

Once filling your swimming pool, follow the 4 steps below.

  1. First prime the pool pump to avoid damages.
  2. Backwash the filter pump for about 3 to 5 minutes. If necessary, the backwash process should be extended until the water in the sight glass is clear.
  3. Rinse the pool filter for one minute to eliminate residual contaminants.
  4. Keep the manual vent open until water flows out, establishing a stable water cycle of 0.3 bar.

This steps are vital to ensure the pool is filled with clean, balanced water, setting the stage for a healthy swimming environment.

8. How To Treat Pool Water After Winter

To treat pool water after winter, start by setting the pump’s running times, ensuring the water circulates 2 to 3 times within 6 to 8 hours daily. Use this formula to determine the operating time.

  • Operating time in hours = (2 x water volume of the pool in m³) / pump flow rate in m³/h.

Begin by adjusting the water chemistry. The 3 following parameters alkalinity, pH and calcium hardness are important.

  • The pH level should be between 7.2 and 7.6.
  • Total alkalinity between 80 and 120 ppm (80 – 120 mg/l).
  • Calcium hardness optimally set at 200 to 400 ppm (200 – 400 mg/l).

After setting these parameters, perform a shock treatment of the pool water using chlorine granules or bleach. Ensure the water temperature is above 59 °F (15 °C) and the chlorine level reaches 3 – 5 ppm (3 – 5 mg/l). Allow the filter system to run continuously for 48 hours. Over this period, the chlorine content should reduce mainly to a value of 0.6 to 1.5 ppm (0.6 – 1.5 mg/l). If necessary, extend the pool pump running time to achieve this.

In the days following the pool shock treatment, monitor the water parameters daily for at least 14 days. Use a water tester to check and adjust the pH level, total alkalinity, and calcium hardness as required. Maintaining these levels is crucial for the health and longevity of your pool.

Concluding this process, transition to regular pool maintenance, which includes routine checks and adjustments of chlorine and active oxygen levels. For enhanced water clarity and to assist in trapping fine particles, consider adding a flocculant to the pool water.

When Is The Right Time To Clean The Pool After Winter?

The optimal timing for cleaning a pool post-winter hinges on water temperature. Ideally, the process should commence when the water temperature reaches 54 °F (12 °C). This recommendation, however, varies with regional climate variations. For instance, pool owners in warmer southern regions often begin the swimming pool care process slightly earlier than their counterparts in cooler areas.

Generally, late March to mid-April marks the onset of pool cleaning activities for many. This allows for an approximate two-week period necessary for thorough cleaning, preparing the pool for the upcoming season. Starting in April, especially with the aid of pool heating, aligns well with the desired timeline.

Why You Need To Know How To Open A Swimming Pool?

Understanding the process of opening an swimming pool is crucial for ensuring a safe and enjoyable swimming experience. After winter, the water in your pool, having remained stagnant, is not immediately suitable for swimming. A proper opening procedures and pool care guarantees that the water you eventually dive into is clean, clear, and devoid of any harmful elements.

What You Need To Open Your Swimming Pool?

To successfully open your swimming pool, 6 tools and chemicals are necessary. The tools and chemicals are listed below.

  • Sand Filter System or Submersible Pump: Essential for draining the pool.
  • Alkaline Cleaning Agents: For removing stubborn deposits such as algae.
  • Pool Brush or Sponge: Useful for scrubbing the pool’s surfaces.
  • Garden Hose or High-Pressure Cleaner: Aids in thorough cleaning.
  • Pool Chemicals: Such as chlorine granulate and algaecide for water treatment.
  • pH Reducer and pH Increaser: Essential for maintaining the pool’s pH balance.

It is crucial to use certified pool cleaners and avoid household remedies or abrasive tools that might harm the pool liner. This ensures both the effectiveness of the cleaning process and the longevity of the pool.

What Are The Differences Between Opening An Above Ground Pool And An Inground Pool?

The 7 differences when opening an above ground pools vs. inground pools after winter are listed below.

  • Above ground pools use winter covers that require clearing debris before removal, whereas inground pools often have safety covers that are easily removed.
  • Inground pools have extensive plumbing to reconnect like pipes, returns and valves, while above ground pools just involve the skimmer and pump hookup.
  • Inground pools have more complex pump and filtering systems with additional equipment to activate.
  • The structure of above ground pools requires no maintenance when opening, but inground pool shells and tiles must be checked for damage.
  • While all pools need refilling, inground pools lose more water over winter from ground absorption.
  • More accessories like ladders and slides usually need reinstalling for inground pools.

In summary, opening inground pools demands more work on accessories, plumbing, equipment, and structure inspection. Above ground pools primarily need surface cleaning and chemical balancing to reopen.

Do you have any other questions about how to clean a pool after winter? Contact us on Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube. We’d be happy to help you.

Photo of author
Conan Grout is a renowned pool care expert, specializing in maintaining optimal water chemistry, crucial for a healthy swimming environment. His expertise covers essential practices like regular pH, salt, and chlorine level checks, debris skimming, and algae-preventing brushing. Additionally, Grout is adept in advanced pool cleaning techniques, including the use of nonabrasive chlorine-based solutions for challenging tile scum. His comprehensive skill set makes him a trusted authority in swimming pool maintenance.