About Swimlaboratory

Learn more about the information provided on swimlaboratory and about the team behind.

What is the mission of swimlaboratory?

The mission of swimlaboratory is to provide scientific research and advice on pool care, maintenance, cleaning and water treatment. We want you to know all the expert tips and avoid unnecessary procedures when troubleshooting your pool. With the well-researched expert articles, we want to shake the pool industry.

Based on the shared knowledge, we indirectly contribute to environmental protection. And you, the reader, save costs on pool maintenance through the targeted use of pool chemistry.

Butswimlaboratory is a site that goes way beyond regular pool maintenance. You’ll also find articles about whirlpools, paddling pools, and even a few product reports. Here you can find a small selection of the articles that have already been published.

Problems with Your pool

One of the first articles published was – How to Purify Green Pool Water. Several thousand readers have benefited from the valuable tips since it was published.

You can find more related topics on the blog.

Eliminate the most common pool water problems.

  • How to clean cloudy pool water.
  • How to eliminate pool algae.
  • How to remove sand from the pool ground.

Other related articles are about how to use pool chemistry properly.

Water treatment with pool chemistry

It is appalling how much false knowledge about the application of pool chemistry is shared over the net.

Incorrect use of chemicals disturbs the water balance and endangers your health.

That’s why I’ve written a complete guide using pool chemistry.

Other interesting articles are the following:

In addition to optimizing the water balance with pool chemicals, you will find other blog articles on how to operate the pool without chemicals.

Pool maintenance tips

With the operation of a swimming pool, there are new challenges with pool technology.

With my tips, you will ensure smooth functionality, identify problems in good time and eliminate malfunctions, so there is no imbalance in the water balance.

And while we’re talking about pool technology, you should read the product reports.

Honest product recommendations

In addition to chlorine and other chemicals, essential pool equipment is crucial for clean pool water.

In addition to buying a suitable pool pump and calculating the running times, you will find other honest product reports.

You can find many more testimonials and comparisons using the internal search function.

How To ContactSwimlaboratory?

If you have any questions or you need to contact someone at swimlaboratory, please send an email to at info @ swimlaboratory . com.

I wouldn’t call the siteswimlaboratory.com if I didn’t have more free posts in stock. I can guarantee you one thing, you will find all the crucial topics on the subject of pool water treatment using the internal search function onswimlaboratory.

I hope you benefit from my tips on this site.

Photo of author
Conan Grout is a renowned pool care expert, specializing in maintaining optimal water chemistry, crucial for a healthy swimming environment. His expertise covers essential practices like regular pH, salt, and chlorine level checks, debris skimming, and algae-preventing brushing. Additionally, Grout is adept in advanced pool cleaning techniques, including the use of nonabrasive chlorine-based solutions for challenging tile scum. His comprehensive skill set makes him a trusted authority in swimming pool maintenance.